New Project: Sustainable last kilometre food and beverage delivery in Perth

Current planning frameworks and guidelines for Perth/Peel focus on freight movement between ports, primary industries and industrial areas, inadequately addressing last kilometre freight. The nature of last kilometre freight and the character of Perth/Peel is changing planning design guidance for last kilometre freight.
This project undertakes a robust and systematic approach to define the last kilometre freight challenges and opportunities in Perth/Peel, specifically focusing on the food and beverage (F&B) sector.
Last kilometre freight opportunities can offer more sustainable forms of freight than what is currently available. The challenges need to be well-defined to identify the most appropriate opportunity. It is also crucial to consider practical issues (e.g. parking issues), potential demand (e.g. locations and safety) and other wider street and land use issues (e.g. implications to land use, street environment and other street users).

Find more information on iMOVE website: Link